This release of Analytics applies to customers who use Resource Manager
version 6.x with Analytics. Zenoss recommends that these customers
upgrade to Analytics 5.1.1.
This release improves the ETL process, which extracts data from Resource
Manager, transforms it for the Analytics database format, and then
loads it into the Analytics database.
Resource Manager 6.x introduced a model indexing function that is based
on Apache Solr. The new function enables Resource Manager to operate in
significantly larger environments and improves overall performance.
However, the ETL process consumed excessive memory in Analytics. This
release of Analytics reduces the memory that is required during ETL
In ZSD-Analytics > analytics-510, download file
Fixed issues
Model extraction uses excessive memory.
Known issues
Wide performance ETL batches have ability to blow out the Heap in CentralQuery service.
CentOS 7.4 might encounter tracebacks when running reports due to a font-handling error.
Resource Manager 6.2.3 includes an update of the Python urllib3 library, which checks TLS/SSL certificates by default. For more information, refer to the Zenoss Support Knowledgebase.
ANA-223: Wide performance ETL batches have ability to blow out the heap in CentralQuery service
If you define too large of a period for a performance ETL batch, for
example 24 hours instead of just 4 hours, you may blow out the Heap and
receive error messages similar to the following in
To remedy this situation, adjust the QueryService RAM commitment from
its current value to 4G, and retry the batch.
To increase the QueryService RAM commitment, perform the following
In Control Center, navigate to the CentralQuery service of your
deployed Zenoss application Zenoss.resmgr > Zenoss > Metrics > CentralQuery.
Click the Edit Service link near the top of the page.
In the dialog box, locate the field labeled RAM Requested and change
the value in that field to 4G. If the value is already 4G or has a
larger value, then make no changes.
Click Save Changes.
ANA-316: CentOS 7.4 might encounter tracebacks when running reports due to a font-handling error
A known issue in CentOS 7.4 changes the default fonts to fonts that are
incompatible with many applications, including some Analytics reports.
Until CentOS provides a solution, the suggested workaround is to change
the default fonts to compatible fonts. To enable report generation in
Analytics, complete the following steps:
Log into the Analytics server as the root user.
Change directory to /etc/fonts.
Create a file named config.local that contains the following XML code:
The config.local file overwrites the font file locally. The Analytics server
uses the file to render the reports.
Reboot the Analytics server.
Re-run the report.
ZPS-757: RPN syntax error in several aliases
If you are running Resource Manager 5.3.0 or later, skip this
workaround. Otherwise, this issue has been resolved in the Linux Monitor
ZenPack version 2.2.6.
If your Resource Manager instance is running an earlier version of this
ZenPack, you must upgrade to version 2.2.6 or later.