You can project any numeric metric into the future by defining the
number of days of past data to analyze along with the number of days
into the future you want to predict. For example, you want to predict
the next 30 days of an nth percentile calculation based on the last
60 days of data. This prediction returns a value for every day for the
next 30 days. In order to accomplish this, a table (projection_config)
is defined in the reporting database for the projection configuration of
the future values.
Projections are performed using a polynomial function, which is
beneficial when data follows a curved pattern toward a maximum or
minimum value, such as percentage of disk storage used over time.
The projection_config table has the following form:
name - Name to identify the projection; e.g., bangalore_60_30,
description - Up to 255 characters to describe the projection.
nth_percentile_config_id - ID of the row in the
nth_percentile_config table on which to base a projection (only used
for nth percentile projections.
days_past - Integer indicating the number of past days to use in
making the calculation.
days_future - Integer indicating the number of days into the
future to make projections.
agg_column_name - Aggregation column name.
Projections run each day at the completion of aggregation and n th
percentile processing. Resultant tables from projection computations
have the same structure as aggregation tables with the addition of a
column with the timestamp of when the projection was performed. For each
aggregate table to be projected, the name of the table from which to
read data is constructed as follows:
Each projection row may have one or more associated job filters and
metric filters. A job filter reduces the device sample set by allowing
you to create a device group and assigning devices to that group.
Several job filters may be defined for a given projection. Each filter
is additive and increases the number of the devices included in the
sample set. If no job filters are defined, then all devices are included
in the sample set.
In addition to the group filters, you may also define and associate
metric filters which restrict the metrics processed in the projection.
If no metric filters are defined, all metrics are processed. Each metric
processed is run in a separate thread. The projection calculations use
data from the raw_v2 tables. To accommodate the maximum flexibility in
which data can be used, the metric name in this context is the name of
the daily table without the preceding " daily_ ". For normal aggregated
metrics, this equates to the metric name (e.g., cpu__pct). For
specially aggregated (computed) data, such as business hours or n th
percentile, the metric name includes the computed name (such as
Inserting records for daily aggregation projections
Perform the following steps to insert records into the reporting
database. The code in this procedure is for demonstration purposes only.
This example assumes that two data centers (Austin and Bangalore)
already defined and the metrics you want to filter on are called
analytics_test1 and analytics_test2.
Log in to the Analytics reporting database as the root user or a
user with administrative permissions.
Enter the following command at the prompt substituting values that
apply to your company's situation:
Similar to the previous section, you can insert records that allow n
th percentile calculations. The following is a sample insertion to the
projection_config table for a 95th percentile projection: