Resource Manager provides support for SNMP v3 data collection.
The following configuration properties control the authentication and
privacy of these requests:
Configuration Property
Use "MD5" or "SHA" signatures to authenticate SNMP requests
The shared private key used for authentication. Must be at least 8 characters long.
"DES" or "AES" cryptographic algorithms.
If zSnmpPrivType and zSnmpPrivPassword are set, then the message is sent with privacy and authentication. You cannot set a PrivType and PrivPassword without also setting an AuthType and AuthPassword. If neither Priv nor Auth values are set, then the message is sent with no authentication or privacy.
The shared private key used for encrypting SNMP requests. Must be at least 8 characters long.
Security Name (user) to use when making SNMPv3 requests.
If monitoring SNMPv3 devices, make sure that msgAuthoritativeEngineID
(also known as snmpEngineID or Engine ID) is not shared by two devices.
It must be unique for each device.
SNMP v3 zProperties
Devices monitored via SNMP v3 must adhere to the following configuration property rules.
zSnmpVer must be set to v3.
zSnmpAuthType and zSnmpAuthPassword must be specified together. If either is missing then both are ignored.
zSnmpPrivType and zSnmpPrivPassword must be specified together. If either is missing then both are ignored.
If zSnmpAuthType and zSnmpAuthPassword are not both specified, then zSnmpPrivType and zSnmpPrivPassword are ignored.
If zSnmpSecurityName is blank, then zSnmpAuthType, zSnmpAuthPassword, zSnmpPrivType, and zSnmpPrivPassword are ignored.
Advanced Encryption Standard
SNMPv3 encryption using the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) algorithm
is supported only if the host platform net-snmp library supports it.
You can determine whether your platform supports AES by using the
following test:`
If the response is:
"Invalid privacy protocol specified after -x flag: AES"
then your platform does not support AES encryption for SNMPv3.