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getUserCommands(uid, **params) Get a list of user commands for a device uid.

@type uid: string
@param uid: Device to use to get user commands
@rtype: [dictionary]
@return: List of objects representing user commands
addMaintWindow(params) adds a new Maintenance Window
getRolesList(uid) Returns the admin roles associated with
the device for this context
@type uid: string
@param uid: unique identifier of an object
addAdminRole(params) add an admin with a role to a device
editMaintWindow(params) Edits the values of of a maintenance window
for this context and window id
@type params: dict
@param params:
updateAdminRole(params) adds or updates a role on a existing device administrator
updateUserCommand(params) completes or updates an existing user command
deleteMaintWindow(uid, id) delete a maintenance window
removeAdmin(uid, id) removes admin and role on a existing device
getUserList(uid) Returns the admin roles associated with
the device for this context
@type uid: string
@param uid: unique identifier of an object
getAdminRoles(uid, **params) Returns the admin roles associated with
the device for this context
@type uid: string
@param uid: unique identifier of an object
deleteUserCommand(uid, id) delete a user command
getMaintWindows(uid, **params) Returns the definition and values of all
the maintenance windows for this context
@type uid: string
@param uid: unique identifier of an object
@type params: none
@param params: none for page reloads and error avoidance
addUserCommand(params) add a new user command to devices
getTimeZone() Returns local timezone.