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Using Zenoss Toolbox

This section provides an introduction to the Zenoss Toolbox, which is included in Resource Manager. For up-to-date information, refer to the Zenoss Toolbox KnowledgeBase article.

Zenoss Toolbox tools

The Zenoss Toolbox tools examine key Resource Manager components for common issues affecting data integrity. Zenoss recommends running the following tools, in order, before updating Resource Manager:

  1. Always run zodbscan first. The script is purely an analysis tool which checks the object references in the persistent lists that ZODB uses.

  2. Run findposkeyerror with the fix flag (findposkeyerror -f).

    There's no reason to run findposkeyerror without the fix flag—doing so just repeats the analysis that zodbscan performs.

    When findposkeyerror completes, run zodbscan again, to verify that no dangling references remain.

  3. Run zenrelationscan after the previous step or steps. The zenrelationscan script performs incremental checks that zodbscan does not. Rerun it with with the fix flag (zenrelationscan -f) if it tells you to.

    If the script fails when you run it with the fix flag, contact Zenoss Support.

  4. If, and only if, all runs of the previous scripts exit cleanly, run zencatalogscan. This script determines whether catalog entries resolve to objects correctly (getObject calls) and fixes stale/incorrect entries. Rerun it with the fix flag (zencatalogscan -f) if it tells you to.

    The script does not fix issues that arise when objects exist but are missing from the catalog. The fix for such issues requires specific zendmd actions or rebuilding the entire catalog. For assistance, contact Zenoss Support.

The tools are run inside a Zope container, and the log files for each command are found in $ZENHOME/log/toolbox.

Running Zenoss Toolbox tools

  1. Log in to the Control Center master host as a user with serviced CLI privileges.
  2. Start an interactive session in a Zope container as the zenoss user.

    serviced service attach zope/0 su - zenoss
  3. Run the Zenoss Toolbox tools, in order.

  4. Exit the Zope container.
