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Upgrading Analytics 5.0.x

If you are upgrading from Analytics 4.4.0, see Upgrading to Analytics 5.x from Analytics 4.x.

Upgrading from Analytics 5.0.x to Analytics 5.1.x is a straightforward process that requires approximately 15 minutes of downtime for Analytics and Resource Manager. No data warehouse "schema" changes affect your data, so any existing reports work without modification post-upgrade, which is done "in-place".

To perform an upgrade to Analytics 5.1.x from an earlier version of Analytics 5.0.x, perform the following process:

  1. Ensure that the /tmp directory has 50G of space or adjust your /etc/my.conf tmpdir setting appropriately.

  2. In the Control Center UI, stop the following services (found in Analytics ETL group):

    • zenmodeletl
    • zeneventetl
    • zenperfetl
  3. Stop the Analytics service by logging in to the Analytics server as the root user and enter the commands:

    sudo -s
    service zenoss_analytics stop
  4. On the Analytics server, upgrade the RPM for Analytics.

    rpm -Uvh zenoss_analytics-5.1.x-<version>.noarch.rpm

    Ignore the suggestion to run the /opt/zenoss_analytics/bin/ process, which is not applicable to this type of upgrade.

  5. Update MariaDB to prevent it from getting stuck when a lot of tables are joined.

    1. Determine whether the update is already in place:

      grep -E optimizer_search_depth /etc/my.cnf
      • If the preceding command returns a result AND the variable is set to 0, proceed to the next step. No change is required.
      • If the preceding command does not return a result, perform the remaining substeps.
    2. Add the optimizer search variable to the MariaDB configuration file.

      test echo "optimizer_search_depth=0" >> /etc/my.cnf
    3. Restart MariaDB.

      systemctl restart mysql 
  6. Start the Analytics service again:

    service zenoss_analytics start
  7. Immediately tail the Analytics application log (a Tomcat log) and watch it as Analytics starts up for the first time post upgrade.

    tail -F /opt/zenoss_analytics/logs/catalina.out

    On first startup post upgrade, the data warehouse schema is adjusted, if necessary. This process usually takes about 5 minutes, during which the Analytics application is unavailable. Wait for the following message, and then proceeding.

    INFO: Server successfully started in <time in ms>

    This completes the Analytics server upgrade.

  8. Upgrade the client side by upgrading the ZenETL ZenPack following the normal procedure for installing a ZenPack, and then restart services.

    For Resource Manager 4.x, perform the following:

    1. Log in as the zenoss user.

      sudo su - zenoss
    2. Install the ZenETL ZenPack:

      zenpack --install ZenPacks.zenoss.ZenETL<version>.py2.7.egg
    3. Issue the stop command:

      zenoss stop
    4. Issue the start command:

      zenoss start
    5. Update all hubs and collectors to push the new ZenPack code out using dc-admin.

    For Resource Manager 5.x and 6.x, perform the following steps:

    1. Copy the ZenETL ZenPack egg file to a local directory on the Control Center master host, such as /tmp/zenpacks.

    2. Change the file permissions.

      chmod -R 777 /tmp/zenpacks
    3. Change directory to the directory in which the ZenPack egg file is located.

      cd /tmp/zenpacks
    4. Install the ZenETL ZenPack.

      serviced service run zope zenpack-manager install ZenPacks.zenoss.ZenETL<version>.py2.7.egg
    5. To speed up performance data extractions in Resource Manager 5.2.x or later (or any Resource Manager instance that has OpenTSDB v2.2 or later installed):

      Locate the /opt/zenoss/etc/opentsdb/opentsdb.conf file that is editable in the "opentsdb reader" service in Control Center.

      Set configuration option tsd.query.skip_unresolved_tagvs to True.

    6. Initialize the zenmodeletl, zeneventetl, and zenperfetl services:

      serviced service stop Zenoss.resmgr
      # Wait for containers to stop
      serviced service start Zenoss.resmgr