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Upgrading to release 6.7.0

This section includes instructions for updating Resource Manager 6.6.0 to 6.7.0.

To update earlier releases, see one of the following pages:

Tips for a successful update:

  • Before proceeding, review the release notes; in particular, the Deprecation notice and Update considerations sections.
  • For optimum results, review update procedures before performing an update.
  • To update appliance-based deployments, keep this page open and open new tabs or windows for each procedure.

Support for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.10

Resource Manager 6.7 and Control Center 1.10.2 installation procedures were originally designed for and tested against RHEL 8.6. If you want to install on RHEL 8.10, see Troubleshooting: Installing Resource Manager 6.7 on RHEL 8.10.

While this procedure has not been tested by Zenoss Engineering, it has been successful with some customers. If you encounter issues or have questions while performing this alternative procedure, contact your Zenoss support associate.

Updating non-appliance deployments

Use the following page to update Resource Manager deployments that are not based on the Resource Manager virtual appliance:

Updating single-host, appliance-based deployments

Use the instructions in this section to update single-host deployments of Resource Manager based on virtual appliances. You can update Control Center and Resource Manager independently. The software includes updates of the virtual machine operating system.

Preparing to update

  1. Prepare your deployment for update
  2. Download update file
  3. Attach the update ISO
  4. Manage MariaDB passwords, if necessary
  5. Stop Resource Manager
  6. Remove Docker containers on the master host

Updating the master host

  1. Update Control Center
  2. Set OpenTSDB credentials
  3. Update Resource Manager

Post-update procedures

  1. Remove the pre-upgrade snapshot
  2. Start Resource Manager

Updating multi-host, appliance-based deployments

Use the instructions in this section to update multi-host deployments of Resource Manager based on virtual appliances. You can update Control Center and Resource Manager independently. The software includes updates of the virtual machine operating system.

Preparing to update

  1. Prepare your deployment for update
  2. Download update file
  3. Attach the update ISO
  4. Manage MariaDB passwords, if necessary
  5. Stop Resource Manager
  6. Remove Docker containers on the master host

Updating delegate hosts

  1. Remove Docker containers
  2. Update Control Center

Updating the master host

  1. Update Control Center
  2. Set OpenTSDB credentials
  3. Update delegate hosts with authentication tokens
  4. Update Resource Manager

Post-update procedures

  1. Remove the pre-upgrade snapshot
  2. Start Control Center on all hosts
  3. Start Resource Manager