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Managing Zope instances

Zope is the web application server that Resource Manager uses.

For general processing, the Resource Manager zope service provides six instances of the Zope web application server. Resource Manager browser interface performance might slow in deployments with many concurrent users, during frequent report generation, or with Zenoss JSON API use. To maintain responsiveness, Resource Manager services provide dedicated Zope instances for reporting, Zenoss JSON API use, and debugging.

You can enable or disable the services and change the number of Zope instances that Resource Manager uses. (If you increase the number of instances, monitor RAM usage.)

Changing the number of Zope instances

If you need more or fewer dedicated or general-purpose Zope instances, edit the appropriate service to change the number. Debugging (the zendebug service) is limited to one instance.

  1. Log in to the Control Center browser interface.

  2. In the Applications table under Application, click the application name (Zenoss.resmgr).

  3. In the Services table, click Zenoss.

  4. In the Services table, click User Interface.

  5. In the Services table, click the appropriate service as follows:

    • zenapi
    • zenreports
    • zope
  6. On the service page, click Edit Service.

  7. In the Edit Service dialog box, change the value in the Instances field.

  8. Click Save Changes.

  9. On the service page, click Restart.