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Control Center releases and images

This section associates Control Center releases with the tags of the required Docker images for each release. The images provide the virtual containers of the Control Center internal services and the ZooKeeper service. In addition, this section includes a procedure for identifying installed images.

Releases and image tags

Release Internal services image tag ZooKeeper image tag
Control Center 1.9.0

zenoss/serviced-isvcs:v68 †

Control Center 1.8.0 zenoss/serviced-isvcs:v67 zenoss/isvcs-zookeeper:v13
Control Center 1.7.0 zenoss/serviced-isvcs:v63 zenoss/isvcs-zookeeper:v11
Control Center 1.6.5 zenoss/serviced-isvcs:v63 zenoss/isvcs-zookeeper:v11
Control Center 1.6.3 zenoss/serviced-isvcs:v61 zenoss/isvcs-zookeeper:v11
Control Center 1.5.1 zenoss/serviced-isvcs:v61 zenoss/isvcs-zookeeper:v10
Control Center 1.5.0 zenoss/serviced-isvcs:v61 zenoss/isvcs-zookeeper:v10
Control Center 1.4.1 zenoss/serviced-isvcs:v60 zenoss/isvcs-zookeeper:v10

† The zenoss/serviced-isvcs:v68 image is required only for updates and can be deleted after use.

Identifying installed Docker images

Use this procedure to identify the local Docker images for Control Center that are installed on a host.

  1. Log in to the Control Center host as root or as a user with superuser privileges.
  2. Display the local Docker images for Control Center.

    docker images | awk '/isvcs/ { print $1, " ", $2}'
  3. If the installed image versions are higher than the versions that accompany a release, the images need to be updated. The upgrade procedures include steps for installing the required images.

  4. If the installed image versions are not higher than the versions that accompany a release, the images do not need to be updated.

Removing unused images

Use this procedure to identify and remove unused Control Center images.

  1. Log in to the master host as root or as a user with superuser privileges.
  2. Identify the images associated with the installed version of serviced.

    serviced version | grep Images

    Example result:

    IsvcsImages: [zenoss/serviced-isvcs:v73 zenoss/isvcs-zookeeper:v16]
  3. Start Docker, if necessary.

    systemctl status docker || systemctl start docker
  4. Display the serviced images in the local repository.

    docker images | awk '/REPO|isvcs/'

    Example result (edited to fit):

    REPOSITORY                     TAG       IMAGE ID
    zenoss/serviced-isvcs          v73       0bd933b3fb2f
    zenoss/serviced-isvcs          v70       c19f1e317158
    zenoss/isvcs-zookeeper         v16       7ea8c92ca1ad
    zenoss/isvcs-zookeeper         v14       0ff3b3117fb8

    The example result shows the current versions and one set of previous versions. Your result may include additional previous versions and will show different images IDs.

  5. Remove unused images.

    Replace Image-ID with the image ID of an image for a previous version.

    docker rmi Image-ID

    Repeat this command for each unused image.