Resource Manager 6.6.0
This section contains important information about release 6.6.0 of Zenoss Resource Manager (Resource Manager).
Of particular note, the option to retain performance data when re-identifying a device is deprecated.
New features
This update includes the following performance, reliability, and usability enhancements:
- The job processing service is redesigned. For more information, see Administering job services.
- The event processing system now manages higher load and a new troubleshooting service is available, zenhubworker (user).
- Process monitoring now includes per-process memory threshold options. For more information, see Process class options.
- Embedded databases and other
enabling technologies are updated:
- MariaDB is updated to version 10.3.29.
- The RelStorage engine is updated to version 3.0.
- The Java Development Kit (JDK) is updated to version 11.
- The Python Twisted library is updated to version 20.3.0.
- The Python cryptography library is updated to 3.2.1.
- Users with the ZenOperator role can now perform basic tasks on devices and events within their assigned scope.
- The DynamicView ZenPack is updated, not deprecated as planned, and now relies on its own visualization resources. As a result, clients no longer require Adobe Flash and the zenjserver service is deprecated.
- The notification feature now supports SNMP v3 traps.
- The zentrap service now includes a configuration option to define how SNMP varbinds are handled. For more information, see Configuring varbind handling.
Considerations and workarounds
Compatibility with Zenoss Service Impact
This version of Resource Manager is compatible with Zenoss Service Impact version 5.5.3 or later. All users are strongly encouraged to upgrade Service Impact to the latest version.
Update considerations
Please note the following update considerations:
- Currently, the update procedures for appliance-based deployments do not include instructions for migrating the logs maintained by Control Center. (Log migration is optional.) For more information, please contact your Zenoss representative.
- Resource Manager 6.6.0 requires Control Center 1.9.0 or 1.8.0. Deployments that are not based on virtual appliances should update Control Center before updating Resource Manager.
- If necessary, preserve custom MariaDB passwords before updating. The update instructions include reminders of this requirement.
- The default handling of SNMP varbinds included in this release may not work with your existing event transforms. Please review your options before updating.
- Virtual appliance installation and update files are based on CentOS 7.9 and include Control Center 1.9.0, Service Impact 5.5.3, and Zenoss Analytics 5.1.2.
- Due to a RelStorage library update, the Resource Manager 6.6.0 update process supports only releases 6.5.0 and 6.4.1. To update earlier releases of Resource Manager to 6.6.0, first update to release 6.4.1.
- Due to the Twisted library update, the Layer2, OpenStack and OpenStackInfrastructure Zenpacks must be updated to their most recent releases before Resource Manager can be updated to release 6.6.0. Other ZenPacks that use the Twisted library may be affected, too.
- The CMDB ZenPack must be updated from version 2.1.x to version 2.2.1 (or a more recent version) before updating Resource Manager.
- The new zenjobs service may be incompatible with the installed versions of some ZenPacks. To prevent issues during updates, update ZenPacks before updating Resource Manager.
Regular expression matching limitation
(ZEN-29376) Resource Manager uses the Apache Solr search platform, which tokenizes fields. Currently, searching a tokenized field with a regex matches only a single token, limiting complex regex searches.
For example, on the INFRASTRUCTURE page, IP Address is a tokenized field. Regex search ^192.168 will not work to filter only IP addresses that start with 192.168. The Device column is untokenized; regex search on the device name works as expected.
NFS client 4.1 is not supported
A file locking defect might exist in NFS 4.1 with RHEL/CentOS 7.4, which could cause zeneventserver to crash and other DFS-related problems. For more information, see Configuring NFS 4.0 or knowledge base article Potential Issues Running With RHEL 7.4 Or CentOS 7.4.
CentralQuery maximum memory allocation pool
(ZEN-15907) The size of the CentralQuery maximum memory allocation pool is set by the RAMCommitment variable in the CentralQuery service definition. The default value is 1024MB. Do not change the value to anything less than 1024MB.
LDAP authentication
(ZEN-31194) This release includes LDAPAuthenticator v3.3.3, which no longer includes an option to skip SSL certificate verification during installation or upgrade. If you are using a self-signed certificate, upload it before upgrading. For more information, see Adding an SSL certificate.
High-availability deployments
Documentation for updating high-availability deployments is not available at this time. For more information, please contact your Zenoss representative.
Device re-identification can slow or hang the system
(ZEN-32859, ZEN-31163) Re-identifying a device can cause the OpenTSDB reader service to open many connections to OpenTSDB, which in turn can slow or hang the system. This issue occurs when the re-identification is initiated through both the API and the browser interface. To prevent the issue, do not retain performance data when re-identifying devices.
Installation considerations
On installation, the OpenTSDB database now uses 4 bytes instead of 3 bytes for the UID field. This means that
- the maximum number of data points (metric values) the database can store is now greater than 4.2 billion, up from approximately 16.7 million
- the database requires more storage space (approximately 1 byte more per stored data point)
Updates from previous releases do not get the larger field size; only new installations.
Tested operating environments
The Resource Manager application is deployed in and managed by Control Center. The operating environments of Resource Manager are the Control Center environments that are tested with a given release. The following sections identify the tested operating environments of Resource Manager and Control Center.
Resource Manager, Control Center, and operating systems
The following table identifies the tested combinations of Resource Manager, Control Center, and operating system releases.
Resource Manager release | Control Center | |
Minimum release | Host OS | |
6.6.0 | 1.9.1, 1.9.0 | RHEL/CentOS 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, 7.5, 7.6, 7.7, 7.8, 7.9 (64-bit) RHEL 8.3 (64 bit) |
1.8.0 | RHEL/CentOS 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, 7.5, 7.6, 7.7, 7.8, 7.9 (64-bit) |
Hypervisor | Versions |
VMware vSphere | 5.0, 5.1, 5.5, 6.0, 6.5 |
Microsoft Hyper-V | Version 2.0 with Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 |
Microsoft Hyper-V | Version 3.0 with Windows Server 2012 and 2012 R2 |
Public cloud platforms
Amazon Web Services (AWS) is fully tested.
Microsoft Azure has been tested only for collector pools. Creating a full Control Center deployment to operate Resource Manager has NOT been tested on Microsoft Azure.
Fixed issues
ID | Description |
ZEN-33484 | Timezone localization during maintenance windows does not handle DST |
ZEN-33469 | Non-zero exit codes from zencommand breaks Nagios parsing |
ZEN-33460 | A zencommand can generate unnecessary tracebacks |
ZEN-33278 | The zminion service can exhaust the Redis connection limit, causing the Redis server to crash |
ZEN-33276 | SNMP v3 traps are displayed as v2 traps |
ZEN-33275 | Tales evaluation causes random tracebacks |
ZEN-33274 | The production state of a maintenance window is set to Failed if a single device in a batch gets a conflict error |
ZEN-33273 | SNMP Index information is not included in the details of SNMP devices |
ZEN-33269 | Users can delete default device classes easily |
ZEN-33264 | The collectorredis cluster does not start up correctly and Metric Shipper cannot pull metrics |
ZEN-33267 | The zenhub "delayed calls" metric is not being collected |
ZEN-33263 | Adding or searching for IP addresses or networks can fail |
ZEN-33261 | Moving a device to a class with a different zPythonClass leaves out the IpAddress value |
ZEN-33260 | ADM makes order-sensitive comparisons when it should not |
ZEN-33255 | Zope services block when the WBEM ZenPack is installed |
ZEN-33246 | ADM processing is not idempotent for all services |
ZEN-32958 | SNMP traps with varbind names are not handled according to RFC conventions |
ZEN-32940 | SNMP v3 modeling fails when no engine ID is returned |
ZEN-32925 | Traceback events are generating with custom COMMAND ssh datasource |
ZEN-32899 | Manually-defined email addresses do not get the correct timezone |
ZEN-32469 | Monitoring a device stops when an event of class /Status/SNMP is received |
ZEN-32385 | The ssh command does not reset connections after timeouts |
ZEN-32249 | The zenhubworker (adm) service does not pick up new collectors without a restart |
ZEN-32087 | The Open Events Chart portlet displays incorrect data for any arbitrary number of days that you specify |
ZEN-31950 | Restarting Resource Manager leads to a spike in false positive threshold events |
ZEN-31458 | SNMP collector creation fails when any event is present in /Status/Snmp |
ZEN-30634 | Traceback when modelling devices manually |
Known issues
ID | Description |
ZEN-33516 | Dynamic View does not change when switching between components, requires manual refresh |
ZEN-33375 | Historical data is lost after re-identifying to previous device ID |
ZEN-33493 | zencommand does not support a single collection run |
ZEN-33414 | Event with status Down for non-pinged device (in /Status/Ping class) is suppressed |
ZEN-33250 | POSKey errors not found by zodbscan and findposkeyerror |
ZEN-31981 | zenmodeler traceback when a value is extremely long |
Installed ZenPacks
This section lists ZenPacks that are automatically installed, those that are packaged but not installed, and those that are obsolete and should be uninstalled. For more information about ZenPacks, see the ZenPack catalog.
This release of Resource Manager installs the following ZenPacks at the current version listed in the table.
ZenPack |
Current version |
Previous version |
AdvancedSearch | 2.0.1 | Same |
AixMonitor | 2.2.3 | Same |
ApacheMonitor | 2.1.4 | Same |
AuditLog | 1.4.1 | Same |
AWS | 5.1.1 | 5.0.1 |
CalculatedPerformance | 2.5.2 | Same |
CiscoMonitor | 5.12.0 | 5.11.1 |
CiscoUCS | 3.0.2 | Same |
ComponentGroups | 1.8.0 | Same |
ControlCenter | 1.6.2 | Same |
Dashboard | 1.3.12 | 1.3.10 |
Dell.PowerEdge | 3.0.1 | Same |
Diagram | 1.3.2 | Same |
DistributedCollector | 3.1.11 | Same |
DnsMonitor | 3.0.1 | Same |
Docker | 2.0.5 | 2.0.4 |
DurationThreshold | 2.0.5 | Same |
DynamicView | 2.0.0 | 1.7.1 |
EMC.base | 2.1.1 | Same |
EnterpriseCollector | 1.9.0 | Same |
EnterpriseReports | 2.6.0 | Same |
EnterpriseSecurity | 1.2.0 | Same |
EnterpriseSkin | 3.3.5 | Same |
HP.Proliant | 3.3.5 | Same |
HttpMonitor | 3.1.0 | Same |
IBM.Power | 1.2.0 | Same |
InstalledTemplatesReport | 1.1.2 | Same |
JuniperMonitor | 2.1.1 | Same |
LDAPAuthenticator | 3.3.4 | Same |
LDAPMonitor | 1.4.2 | Same |
Licensing | 0.3.0 | Same |
LinuxMonitor | 2.3.3 | Same |
Microsoft.Azure | 2.2.1 | 2.1.0 |
Microsoft.Windows | 2.9.4 | Same |
MySqlMonitor | 3.1.0 | Same |
NetAppMonitor | 4.1.0 | 4.0.0 |
NtpMonitor | 3.0.0 | Same |
PredictiveThreshold | 1.3.0 | Same |
PropertyMonitor | 1.1.1 | Same |
PythonCollector | 1.11.0 | Same |
RMMonitor | 1.2.1 | Same |
SolarisMonitor | 2.5.2 | Same |
StorageBase | 1.4.4 | Same |
SupportBundle | 1.1.2 | Same |
vSphere | 4.1.0 | 4.0.3 |
WBEM | 3.0.0 | Same |
WSMAN | 1.0.5 | Same |
ZenDeviceACL | 2.3.0 | Same |
ZenJMX | 3.13.0 | 3.12.1 |
ZenMail | 5.1.0 | Same |
ZenOperatorRole | 2.3.0 | 2.2.0 |
ZenPackLib | 2.1.2 | Same |
ZenSQLTx | 2.7.1 | Same |
ZenWebTx | 3.0.4 | Same |
Packaged ZenPacks
The following ZenPacks are packaged with Resource Manager, but not automatically installed:
- BigIpMonitor
- Ceph
- CiscoAPIC
- DB2
- DatabaseMonitor
- FtpMonitor
- GoogleCloudPlatform
- HpuxMonitor
- JBossMonitor
- Kubernetes
- Layer2
- Memcached
- Microsoft.Exchange
- Microsoft.Lync
- Microsoft.MSMQ
- NetScaler
- NetScreenMonitor
- OpenStack
- OpenStackInfrastructure
- OpenvSwitch
- PostgreSQL
- RabbitMQ
- TomcatMonitor
- XenServer
Obsolete ZenPacks
ZenMailTX is obsolete. If this ZenPack is installed at your site, remove it.