Tuning considerations
Tuning Zenoss Control Center and Resource Manager is a tricky subject due to the many factors that must be considered. For example:
- CPU core counts, including speed, hyper-threading, etc.
- RAM capacity and speed
- Disk size, speed, and technology
- Managed Resource count
- The number of components per Managed Resource
- The number of datasources on each device and component
- Event counts from active device polling, passive collection (zentrap, etc.), and event collection (i.e., Windows and VMWare event logs)
As such, what follows is to be treated as a series of best-effort recommendations the suitability of which should be considered suspect until tested. The following chart provides some example deployment sizes that we will reference in upcoming pages.
Size | Managed Resource Count |
Small | < 1000 |
Medium | 1000 - 5000 |
Large | 5000 - 10000 |
XL | 10000 - 20000 |
XXL | > 20000 |
When in doubt, please contact Zenoss Support or Professional Services for guidance.