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vsanClusterHealth(uid, **force_retest) Return a vSAN health information for cluster.
getVsanCapacityOverviewData(uid) Generate vSAN cluster's capacity overview data.
getResourcePoolChildren(**sort, **uid, **keys, **start, **meta_type, **limit, **page, **dir, **name)
vsanClusterObjectInfo(uid) Return vSAN cluster-level object information
testHostPingFilterList(**uid, **zPropValue, **zPropName) Return a list of hosts and what IPs would be pinged from the specified
device, with the current settings for that device, plus the specified
zProperty override.
addEndpoint(title, hostname, username, password, **ssl, **collector, **deviceClass, **port) Schedule the addition of a vSphere endpoint.
vsanVirtualMachineObjectInfo(uid) Return vSAN VirtualMachine-level object information
getVSphereDeviceClasses() Get a list of all device classes.

@rtype: DirectResponse
@return: B{Properties}:
- deviceClasses: ([dictionary]) List of device classes
- totalCount: (integer) Total number of device classes
getCounterNames(query, group_key, counter_key) @param query: Should contain 'record=' the uid of the applicable datasource
@param group_key: must be a group from getCounterGroups method
@param counter_key: must be a counter from GetCounterKeys
@returns all of the roll up types in the form
'data': [{'key':key, 'label':label}, ...],
'success': True
findGuestDevices(uid) Run guest devices discovering.
getStorageOverviewData(**top, **uid) Return storage overview data.
getCounterKeys(query, group_key) @param query: Should contain 'record=' the uid of the applicable datasource
@param group_key: must be a group from getCounterGroups method
@returns full names all of the counter keys from this group
'data': [{'key':key, 'label':label}, ...],
'success': True
getCounterGroups(query) @param query: Should contain 'record=' the uid of the applicable datasource
@returns all of the defined counter maps groups in the form
'data': [{'key':key, 'label':label}, ...],
'success': True
getVsanOverviewData(uid, **top) Return vSAN overview data.
getRollupTypes(query, group_key, counter_key) @param query: Should contain 'record=' the uid of the applicable datasource
@param group_key: must be a group from getCounterGroups method
@param counter_key: must be a counter from GetCounterKeys
@returns all of the roll up types in the form
'data': [{'key':key, 'label':label}, ...],
'success': True
getComputeOverviewData(**top, **uid) Return compute overview data.
testVMFilterList(**uid, **zPropValue, **zPropName) Return a list of VMs and whether each would be modeled from the specified
device, with the current settings for that device, plus the specified
zProperty override.
getVsanClusters(uid, **query) Returns a list of Clusters which are configured as vSAN.
getVsanCapacityBreakdownData(uid) Generate vSAN cluster's capacity breakdown data.