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getZenPackMetaData(**zenpacks) Return the list of meta-data information about installed ZenPacks.

@type topack: list of strings
@param topack: Unique IDs of the installed ZenPack
@rtype: DirectResponse
@return: Success message
addToZenPack(topack, zenpack) Add an object to a ZenPack.

@type topack: string
@param topack: Unique ID of the object to add to ZenPack
@type zenpack: string
@param zenpack: Unique ID of the ZenPack to add object to
@rtype: DirectResponse
@return: Success message
getEligiblePacks() Get a list of eligible ZenPacks to add to.

@rtype: DirectResponse
@return: B{Properties}:
- packs: ([dictionary]) List of objects representing ZenPacks
- totalCount: (integer) Total number of eligible ZenPacks