SNMP trap forwarding
For multi-host systems, you must enable the zentrap service container to move between delegate hosts in the resource pool. Otherwise, the container is bound to a specific host, and if that host fails, you cannot receive traps. For resource pools with a single host, following this best practice allows for expansion without changing or moving IP addresses.
Before performing this task, obtain IP addresses for zentrap on the same network as your delegate hosts.
- Log in to the Control Center browser interface.
- In the main navigation menu, click Applications.
- In the Applications table, click Zenoss.resmgr.
- In the IP Assignments table under Resource Pool, choose the resource pool that contains the zentrap service.
- In the Virtual IPs table, click Add Virtual IP.
- In the Add Virtual IP dialog box, provide information about your IP address, and then click Add Virtual IP.
- In the main navigation menu, click Applications.
- In the Applications table, click Zenoss.resmgr.
- In the Services table, expand the Zenoss service and subservices, locate zentrap and click the service name. The page for the zentrap service opens.
- In the IP Assignments table under Actions, click Assign.
- In the Assign IP dialog box, provide information about the virtual IP address that you added to the pool, and then click Assign IP.
- On the service page, click Restart.
- When forwarding SNMP traps to Resource Manager, use this IP address.