Importing Resource Manager image files
Use this procedure to import the Resource Manager image from self-installing archive files.
Log in to the master host as root or as a user with superuser privileges.
Copy or move the archive files to /root.
Add execute permission to the files.
chmod +x /root/*.run
Change directory to /root.
cd /root
Import the images.
for image in install-zenoss-*.run do /bin/echo -en "\nLoading $image..." yes | ./$image done
List the images in the registry.
docker images
The result should include one image for each archive file.
Optional: Delete the archive files, if desired.
rm -i ./install-*.run
Copy the update scripts from the new Resource Manager image to a directory in /root. For updates to release 6.5.0, enter the following command:
docker run -it --rm -v /root:/mnt/root zenoss/resmgr_6.5:6.5.0_1 rsync -a /root/6.5.x /mnt/root
For updates to release 6.4.1, enter the following command:
docker run -it --rm -v /root:/mnt/root zenoss/resmgr_6.4:6.4.1_1 rsync -a /root/6.4.x /mnt/root