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Command action content

This page describes the options on the Content tab of the Edit Notification dialog box for the Command action.

Use the Command action sparingly. Frequent use can degrade the performance of the event processing service.

Field Description
Command Timeout (seconds) The amount of time to wait for the command to return an exit value.

The shell command to run on a remote host, through an SSH connection. This field supports content variables.

The connection information and the name of the target host must be present in the properties of the triggering event, and the host must accept incoming SSH connections.

Clear Command

The shell command to run on a remote host, through an SSH connection, when a clearing event is received. This field supports content variables.

The connection information and the name of the target host must be present in the properties of the clearing event, and the host must accept incoming SSH connections.

Environment variables Environment variables to pass to the shell that performs the command, if any. This field supports content variables.