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Removing a ZenPack

Removing a ZenPack can have unexpected consequences! Often, the safest choice is not to remove a ZenPack.

Before you begin, review the following requirements and considerations:

  • Removing a ZenPack removes all objects provided by the ZenPack and all objects that depend on code provided by the ZenPack.
  • Removing a newer version of a ZenPack to install an older version fails if the newer version includes migration code.
  • Removing a ZenPack that installs a device class removes the device class, any contained device classes, and all devices in that class.
  • Some ZenPacks provide services upon which other ZenPacks rely. Make sure the service you remove is not needed by another ZenPack.
  • Do not use this procedure to remove the Zenoss Service Impact ZenPacks, ZenPacks.zenoss.ImpactServer and ZenPacks.zenoss.Impact. For more information, see Installing Service Impact or one of the Servcie Impact update procedures.
  • Review the documentation of the ZenPack that you want to remove for information about classes and daemons (services) associated with it.
  • Delete data sources provided by the ZenPack that you want to remove.

Perform these steps:

  1. Log in to the Control Center master host as a user with Control Center CLI privileges.

  2. Create a snapshot:

    serviced service snapshot Zenoss.resmgr

    On completion, the serviced command returns the ID of the new snapshot. If the installation of a ZenPack fails, you can restore the snapshot created in this step. For more information about restoring a snapshot, refer to the Control Center Reference Guide.

  3. Obtain the exact name of the ZenPack to remove:

    serviced service run zope zenpack list

    The first item of each line of output is the full name of an installed ZenPack.

  4. Stop services that are associated with the ZenPack. Daemons that a ZenPack provides are packaged in Docker containers and installed as child services of the current instance of Resource Manager. For example, the zenwebtx service is provided by the ZenPacks.zenoss.ZenWebTx ZenPack.

    1. Log into the Resource Manager browser interface as a user with Manager or ZenManager privileges.
    2. From the navigation menu, select ADVANCED > Control Center.
    3. In the All Services area, select the name of the service to remove, and then click Stop. For example, select the zenwebtx daemon.
  5. Remove the ZenPack. In the Control Center CLI, replace ZenPack-Name with the full name of the ZenPack to remove.

    serviced service run zope zenpack-manager uninstall ZenPack-Name

    The ZenPack and any daemons that it provides are removed.

  6. Restart all Zenoss services:

    serviced service restart Zenoss.resmgr/Zenoss