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Network properties

The Networks page lists networks by IP address. You can view and change network configuration property values and inheritance selections.

  1. From the navigation menu, choose INFRASTRUCTURE > NETWORKS.
  2. From the Display drop-down menu, select Configuration Properties.

  3. To remove an override and once again inherit the value from the root of the hierarchy:

    1. Select the property in the list.
    2. Click Delete Local Copy and, when prompted, click OK.

List of network configuration properties

Name Type Description
zAutoDiscover boolean Specifies whether the zendisc service should perform auto-discovery on this network. (When performing network discovery, this property specifies whether the system should discover devices and subnets on the network.)
zDefaultNetworkTree lines A network subnet is automatically created for each modeled device, based on that device's subnet mask setting. To create higher-level subnets automatically from the discovery and modeling processes, add the specific subnet mask breakpoints. For example: 8, 16. If you then model a device with, for example, an IP address of, and a subnet mask of (corresponding to a /24 subnet), device discovery will create a network containing, containing, containing your device.
zDrawMapLinks boolean Calculating network links "on the fly" is resource-intensive. If you have a large number of devices that have been assigned locations, then drawing those map links may take a longtime. You can use this property to prevent the system from drawing links for specific networks (for example, a local network comprising many devices that you know does not span multiple locations).
zIcon string Use to specify device icons that appear on the device status page, Dashboard, and network map.
zPingFailThresh int Specifies the number of pings sent without being returned before the zendisc service removes the device.
zPreferSnmpNaming boolean Specifies that when network discovery occurs, it uses the device name comes from SNMP rather than reverse DNS.
zSnmpStrictDiscovery boolean Specifies that if SNMP does not exist on the device during network discovery, ignore the device.