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Creating and running reports

Zenoss Analytics makes it easy to create and run reports. When you run a report, it opens in the interactive Report Viewer. Using this Viewer, you can personalize and refine the displayed report data. If your report has input controls, you can run the report with one set of data and then another. You can then export the output to another format or you can schedule the report to create an output repeatedly and unattended during off hours or at other times.

Creating a report and editing the output

  1. Log in to Analytics.
  2. From the Home page, click Create in the Reports section; or from any page, click Create > Report.
  3. From the Create Report window, select an ad hoc view and click OK.
  4. If you are prompted for input controls, provide them in the displayed window. If not, the report output appears.
  5. Edit the report output by clicking the Options icon in the upper-right corner. Note: By default, a dynamic date range is used to define the date filter. The range is defined by the unit (DAY, WEEK, MONTH) and a numerical unit that can be positive or negative. For example a range of DAY-7 to DAY is equivalent to the last seven days from when the report is run.
  6. (optional) While you cannot change the fundamental type of output (you cannot change a chart into a crosstab), you can change various elements of the output based on the type of report. For example, you can resize columns or filter by a column's value. If you are using a chart, you can change the type of chart you want to display. Refer to the JasperReports Server User Guide for even more ways to customize your reports.
  7. Once you have the report output displaying the way you want, save the report by clicking the Save icon.

Scheduling a report job to run

  1. Log in to Analytics.

  2. On the Home page, click View list in the Reports area; or from any page, click View > Repository.

  3. Use the search field or browse the list of reports to find the report you want to schedule.

  4. Right-click the report name and select Schedule from the context menu. The Schedule Jobs page appears.

  5. Click Create Schedule. The Schedule tab appears. Fill out the information requested and select the recurrence of the job. The default value is None, which will run the report only once. Select Simple from the drop-down list to schedule the job to recur at an hourly, daily, or weekly interval or select Calendar to schedule the job to recur on certain days of the week or days of the month.

  6. Set the other values on the appropriate tabs for Parameters, Output Options, and Notifications. Click Save to save the schedule. On the Repository view page, you will see a clock icon to indicate that a report has been scheduled to run.


    The permissions of the user who schedules a job determines the data that the report exposes. Be aware that sensitive data could be exposed if you schedule a job as an administrative user with no data restrictions because the report output will contain all the requested data in the data source. Any user who receives the report output can view all the data regardless of the user's access restrictions.