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Transforming events with event mappings

To modify events as they arrive, create an event map through the user interface:

  1. Create an event class.
  2. Go to the event console and create an event mapping in this class from the existing event.
  3. Edit the map.
  4. In the Transform area, update the event with detail data. The entry field allows you to insert Python scripts. The event is provided as "evt" and the device as "device." In this case, extract the sysLocation event detail and make it the summary with:

    evt.summary = evt.sysLocation
  5. Save the event mapping.

If you move the event to the event archive and resend the trap, the summary for the trap should now read the device name in the location you assigned.

If you encounter problems with the transform, check the zentrap.log and zeneventd.log files for errors that occurred.

Configuring varbind handling

The zentrap service supports 3 copy modes for SNMP varbinds. A varbind (variable binding) is the combination of an object identifier (OID) and a value or value-and-type.

Mode Description
0 Varbinds are copied into events as one field, per RFC convention.
1 Varbinds are copied into events as several fields and a sequence field is added.

Mixed mode (default).

  • If the trap includes just one instance of a varbind, it is copied as one field (mode 0).
  • If the trap includes multiple instances of a varbind, they are copied as several fields and a sequence field is added (mode 1).

The varbind copy mode is set in the zentrap.conf file of each zentrap service in your deployment. To change the default, open the file, uncomment the varbindCopyMode variable, and then modify its value.


For example, assume that a trap sends the following varbinds:

OID Value
someVar.0 Data0
someVar.1 Data1

For copy mode 0, the resulting event fields would be as follows:

OID Value
someVar Data0,Data1
someVar.ifIndex 0,1

For copy mode 1, the resulting event fields would be as follows:

OID Value
someVar.0 Data0
someVar.1 Data1
someVar.sequence 0,1

For more information about using copy mode 1, see Mapping SNMP variables to events.

Mapping SNMP variables to events

Use the information on this page when the zentrap service is configured for varbind copy mode 1. For more information, see Configuring varbind handling.

Some SNMP traps can include variables (varbind objects), which are ordered implicitly. The ordering requirement takes the form of Name.Number—like someVar.0—and in many cases there will be a series of varbind objects with different numbers on the same name. The following tables provide an example variable and varbind objects.

OID Value Message0 Message1

Assuming a MIB (imported into Resource Manager) specifies the name someVar ( then the event details would be as follows:

Name Value
someVar.0 Message0
someVar.1 Message1
someVar.sequence 0,1

The following tables illustrate how the implicit ordering is encoded in event details.

Example trap with an SNMP varbind object

OID Value 143 1 1 "F23" ""

Event details for example trap

Name Value
ifIndex.143 143
ifIndex.sequence 143
ifAdminStatus.143 1
ifAdminStatus.sequence 143
ifOperStatus.143 1
ifOperStatus.sequence 143
ifDescr.143 F23
ifDescr.sequence 143
ifAlias.sequence 143

The event details are repetitive, but an event transform can parse and process sequenced varbind objects.

For example, the following event transform concatenates the someVar parts into the event's summary attribute:

seq = getattr(evt, "someVar.sequence", None)
if seq is not None:
    values = []
    for idx in str(seq).split(','):
        value = getattr(evt, "someVar." + idx, '')
    evt.summary = ' '.join(values)

Event transforms based on event class

When an event arrives in the system, you can change values (such as severity). For example, you can make the summary more informative, or change severity according to text within the summary.

Each event class allows for a short Python script to be executed when an event arrives.

For example, a user may want full file system threshold events on /data to be critical. Add the following Python script in the Threshold Transform of /Events/Perf/Filesystem:

if evt.component == '/data' and evt.severity != 0: evt.severity = 5

Like event mappings for event class keys, the "evt," "device," and "component" objects are available in the script of the transform. See the event class transform page for more information.